The Museums & Mobile Online Conference is designed to be easy to access — regardless of your computer, connection or experience with online tools.

If you are seeing this page, you already have what you need to access the online conference community and its resources and discussion areas. Accessing the live and recorded sessions featured during the conference requires only that your computer has sound (i.e. headphones or speakers) and the free Flash player, which is already installed on 99% of computers. (See info below to access via an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.)

To check that your computer is all set to go, click the Technical Check button below. If you need any assistance, contact us. We’re here to help! We’ll work with you to make sure you are able to participate.

Technical Check



  • Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional or Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista®
  • Internet Explorer 7 or higher
  • Mozilla Firefox 1.5.04 or higher
  • Google Chrome


  • Mac OS X v10.4 or higher
  • Safari 2.0 or higher
  • Mozilla Firefox 1.5.03 or higher
  • Google Chrome

Additional requirements:

Optional Platform:

If you would like to attend using an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad App instead of your desktop or laptop computer, you can download a free app from the iTunes App Store. A link will be provided to registrants a day or two before the conference with the login info needed to connect via your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.