Session Title:
Session Time:
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
12:15 – 13:15 (NYC time)
Session Chair:
Peter Samis
Associate Curator of Interpretative Media, SFMoMA, USA
Practical guidelines for the planning, implementation and sustaining of a mobile project at an institution. This session looks at defining the important first steps an institution must make to deliver a successful mobile experience for their visitors. Includes:
- The successful pre-planning of a mobile project.
- The role of visitor evaluation in shaping the design of a mobile project.
- What makes a successful project team for delivering a mobile experience.
- Making decisions on what to do in-house and what to do with a vendor.
Case studies:
1. Thoughts on the development of a Mobile Strategy
Hugh Wallace
Head of Digital Media, National Museums of Scotland, UK.
Case study to address: A) Role of visitor evaluation in establishing mobile strategy and stakeholder buy-in; B) How to successfully deliver / implement a visitor evaluation directed to mobile; and C) The most helpful data captured was…
2. Defining the Design Context for a Mobile Experience
Louise Downe
Digital Service Designer, Tate Media, UK.
Case study to address: A) Starting a mobile project: what to think about first; B) Choosing the right platform; and C) Selecting the development partners. D) Five decisions to make before you get started.
3. Planning to do mobile in-house
Emily Black
Assistant Educator Digital Media, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, USA.
Case study to address: A) How to develop stakeholder buy-in; B) Project planning for delivering mobile in-house; and C) If I were to start again I would…
Learn More About the Presenters:

Peter Samis

Hugh Wallace

Louise Downe

Emily Black